Our "baby" is turning 3 this week and we celebrated with a rainbow themed birthday party at our local park. We invited a few friends and family and had a great time (despite the hot, humid, Houston heat)!
I loved the idea of having all of these beautiful, bright colors all over and so I searched my favorite idea hot spot..........the one and only
PINTEREST! I found lots of ideas and ended up with this:
I wanted everything bright and colorful. I started with rainbow cupcakes and found a great, easy recipe
here. I followed her recipe for the icing too but was not a big fan of it. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but it didn't look like the "pretty fluffy cloud" she showed in her pictures. And it didn't taste too well either. But I put some rainbow sprinkles on top and they looked pretty cute.
I also made Fruity Pebbles Rice Krispie Treats. They were easy to make and really colorful.
I also filled sand buckets with Lucky Charms cereal and rainbow Goldfish and used the shovels to serve them with.
I also used these same buckets as the guests party gifts. I personalized them by adding the child's name to it and filled them with rainbow colored suckers and an activity pack (coloring page for the boys and paper dolls for the girls). Then I tied a different colored balloon to each buck.
These buckets can be purchased through my Facebook site, Kitty Kate,
I pulled out my favorite party supply: The infamous double barrel drink dispenser and put blue Kool-Aid and red Kool-Aid in it.
Then I found a big bag of colorful straws at my local grocery store and lined up the cups with different colored straws.
So overall we had a pretty colorful table.
And no party is complete without the right outfit so of course we went to
Lily Lane Kids to create our one of a kind, birthday rainbow outfit.
And I think our big THREE YEAR OLD (Wow! I still can't believe she is 3!) had a great birthday party. I love planning my girls' party, but I sure am glad once they're over!