Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dance Recital......a little late.

I know it's been a month since the girls' dance recital, but if you haven't read my last post I'll tell you now that we've been B.U.S.Y! But it was Kate's first dance recital and Lily's first time doing 2 dances so I couldn't NOT blog about it. Lily performed a tap and ballet dance this year. She has always been quite the dancer and has the best memory of anyone I know! She picks up things so quickly and always knows every single dance move. (WARNING: Get ready for LOTS of pictures!!)

Lily's first dance was a ballet dance to "A Dream Is A Wish." Here is my ballerina beauty:

Then it was her tap dance to "How Bad Can I Be" from the movie Lorax.

Next up was little sister and her ballet dance to "I Just Love Getting Dressed For Tea." It was a cute song that was VERY appropriate for 3 and 4 year old little girls to dance to.

 Poor thing does not have enough hair for a bun so she got to experience the fake hair. She loved every minute of it (little diva!)
 And this one kills me! I can't believe this is my little 3 year old!! (And I love the smear of lipstick on the corner of her lips)

Her "tea pose"

Sweet Sisters:
 For the finale they all came out on stage and free-style danced. The girls were moving and shaking it and then grabbed each other's hands and danced together. I'm so glad they are not only sisters, but friends.
 Here is a video from the finale:

 Me and my girls

1 comment:

  1. They were both so good and so beautiful! We love seeing them dance each year.
