Monday, April 9, 2012

Time to start thinking about a BIG girl room!

I can't believe it but its time for me to start thinking about a BIG GIRL ROOM! Ahhhhh! My youngest daughter is now 2 1/2 and I know she will soon need to be in a big girl bed but for some reason I've just been putting it off. Maybe its denial or maybe the frightening thought of my "free spirited" child having easy access to coming out of her room, but for some reason I've just been completely ignoring the fact that she is quickly outgrowing her crib.
I got an email the other day about a bedding sale and it caught my attention. So while I was browsing through the different bedding I stumbled upon this bedding from Pottery Barn Teen and thought it would be perfect bedding for my "big girl".

Its fun, colorful, not 100% pink (which with 2 girls tends to be a dominate color in our house), and could easily transition from age to age. And actually, little K's favorite color is blue. EVERYTHING has to be blue with clothes, blue candy, blue popcycles, etc. If you have to ask her which color she wants, 99% of the time its going to be blue. No matter what it is.
I always knew I wanted to paint her bedroom blue and found this beautiful color from Sherwin Williams called Bathe Blue. Its so relaxing and well, not PINK! I think it also goes well with the color pallete in the bedding and while its not the dominiate color in it, there is a hint of this color in a few of the flowers. 

And because she is a girl afterall, I think a little pink is needed. But I think I want a softer pink like these from Pottery Barn Kids for the sheets.

So the overall color scheme is going to be blue, pink and maybe a little green thrown in there. I'm thinking pillows like these from The Land of Nod but maybe I could make them myself in that    lime-y green color in the bedding.
And for the bed I just want a simple white headboard. I might attempt to make one myself. I'm searching high and low on Pinterest for some ideas.

I try to be a frugal as possible and hate to pay full price for anything so I'm on the hunt for something similar to all of these ideas, but a little easier on my pocketbook or a great sale.

So that is the start to my ideas on the dreaded BIG GIRL ROOM!

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